history and work

小杉忠広 Tadahiro Kosugi



           <小杉 忠広>

INDEX Personal History Works

For me, landscaping is about creating a new atmosphere in an existing environment. By respecting fully the unique attributes of each space and maximizing its potential, and incorporating into it the wishes and the individuality of both the client and our professional staff, we can tansform the space into a truly original, enchanting one I design gardens by taking into account the change they will go through in 10 to 20 years and also in each season and every hour of the day with varying patterns of light and shade. Ambience and arrangement of elements that appeal to all the senses are also very important.

Personal History

Tadahiro Kosugi was born in1955 in Hamamatsu City Sizuoka Prefecture , Japan. He graduated from the Landscape Department of Minami-Kyushu University in 1977, and later formed Kosugi Landscaping Inc. in Hamamatsu in 1982, and then went to the United States to receive additional training in California between 1983 and 1984. He was apart-time teacher at the Landscape Department of Hamakita Technical Training School between 1994 and 1997 and accepted a tatal of 12 landscaping and stone-sculpture apprentices from Europe over a ten-year period from 1987 to 1997.


1982 Tea Garden / Nakayasu Residence, Hamamatsu
Landscape / I kegaya Residence, Hamamatu
/ Matsumoto Residence, Shimda
Rock Wall / Suzuki Residence, I baragi
1984 Landscape / Suzuki Residence, Hamamatu
/ Matsushima Residence, Hamamatu
/ Kosugi Residence, Hamamatu
1985 Landscape / Nakano Residence, Hamamatu
/ Okuda Residence, Nara
Rock Wall / Yanagawa Residence, Odawara
1986 Landscape / Ohara Residence, Nara
/ Fujii Residence, Osaka
/ Goda Residence, Kobe
Rock Wall / Misumi Residence, Nara
1987 Landscape / Kuriyama Residence, Nara
/ Nakasone Estate, Nara
/ Nishio Residence, Nara
1988 Landscape / Usami Residence, Nagoya
Sculputure / "SAKABUNE ISHI" Ohara Residence, Nara
1989 Landscape and Sculputure / Tsuchiya Residence, Kyoto
Landscape / Mabuchi Residence, Hamamatsu
/ Hamada Residence, Hamamatsu
1990 Landscape and Sculputure / Sonia Sports Club Shikanodai, Nara
Landscape and Sculputure / Hiraoka Building, Nara
Landscape / Lampert Residence, Germany
1991-92 Landscape and Sculputure / Nakazima Residence,Hamakita
1992 Stone Work / Misawa Historic Park, Aomori
Stage design / "EN" Fashion Show, Nara
1993 Bronz Sculpture/ Artists Camp in Aso, Kumamoto
Landscape and Sculputure / Sonia Sports Club Sakurai, Nara
Landscape and Sculputure / Nakajima Residence, Hamamatsu
1994 Stage design / "EN" Concert" in Mikamo, Okayama
Tea Garden / Nakano Residence, Hamamatsu
1995 Stage design / "Sawko Ohkura Concert", Kyouro
Landscape / Suzuki Residence, Hamamatsu
1996 Art Project / Kumamoto Artpolis, Artstation of Koji Yoshii/V.D.S.
Landscape Master Planning and Model / "The Quarry in Hwlena", U.S.A.
1998 Landscape / Yasumoto Residence, Nara
Stone work / Kawai Residence, Nara
1999 Landscape / Kita Residence, Nara
Landscape and Sculputure / Ushioda Residence, Nara
Landscape / Sekiguchi Residence, Nara
1999-2000 Landscape / Yamamoto Residence, Hamamatsu
2000-2001 Landscape / Takayanagi Residence, Inasa
2001 Landscape / Imokawa Residence, Hamamatsu